Address: Jankovce 39, 067 24, okr. Humenne, Slovakia
Tel.: +421 940 404 737
E-mail: surinpeter@gmail.com
Date of birth : 1978
Place of birth : Humenne, Slovakia
Educational attainment:
University, II. degree
1996 – 2001
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Computing Technology and Informatics
Technical University Kosice, Slovakia
1992 – 1996
Gymnazium arm. gen. L. Svobodu
Humenne, Slovakia
2001 – 2009
Chemes a.s. Humenne (Energetic industry)
Deputy director of the Energy Division
Head of the Energy Production Division
Supervisory board memberWork load
Management of 150 employees
Negotiation and assertiveness
Managing, planning and controlling the company's manufacturing process
Heat production
Electricity generation
Production of compressed air
Cold production
Nitrogen production
Water treatment
Sewage treatment plant
Road and rail transport
Planning the maintenance of the manufacturing process
Managing crisis situations
Optimization of company processes
Planning and implementation of new investments in the production process
Planning and control of Cash Flow
Optimization of investments
Construction and start of investments
Development of company information system (ASP.NET, MS Access)
Development of optimization software for existing production process (Delphi 7, MS SQL)
Development of optimization software for new investment – Combined cycle (Delphi 7)
Since 2009
CEO, Founder SURIN & Partners, s.r.o.
(Financial sector and energetic industry)
Work load in financial sector
Financial Markets and Analyzes
Trading on the stock exchange
Cryptos, commodities, stocks, currencies, indices
Development of automated trading systems (MT4, Delphi 10 + MS Access)
Work load in energetic sector
Plasma gasification project
Development of optimization software (Delphi 7)
Since 2023
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Cryptovea INC.
(Cryptocurrency sector),
Development of Cryptovea trading and investment platform (Delphi Alexandria, MS SQL)
Since 2024
Director of SoftVea, LTD.
(software development, IT services),
Data science, data analyst, data mining
Custom software development
Information systems
Mobile solutions
Cloud solutions
Investment simulations
Web solutions
E-commerce solutions
Developmant stack : JavaScript, Html, TypeScript, React, Java, PHP, Next.js, Python, Node.js, VUE.js, Angular, Spring, C,C++,C#, Delphi, React Native, cURL, Kotlin, Power Shell, Kubernetes, SWIFT, ASP.NET, SQL, TensoFlow, GO, Nuxt, Rubby, CSS, Assembler-Databázy : PostreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL, Paradox
Courses and training
​Technical University Kosice
CISCO Network Academy I, II a III
​Chemes a.s. Humenné
Improving managerial skills
City University Bratislava
English Language Courses
Intensive English Language Course
Assertiveness and time management in managerial practice
Management, motivation and presentation skills
Language skills
Russian – intermediate
English – intermediate
Driving licence
Driver's license: B, 500,000 km
In conclusion, I declare that all the informations provided here are true